Souvenir after paying property taxes aka Cukai Taksiran

I've paid my taxes, have you ?

Multihead Screwdriver 

Usually, as a token of appreciation, free gifts are given after paying all the property taxes. Over the years, I have received a variety of gifts, ranging from practical umbrellas to less useful car shades and pens.

Today, when I paid the Cukai Taksiran, also known as Cukai Pintu or Assessment, to the Sepang Municipal Council, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a multi-head screwdriver as a gift.

Note: If you are a smooth talker and a responsible citizen who consistently pays your taxes on time, there is a chance that you can persuade the personnel to offer you an additional free gift. This can be particularly advantageous if you manage to walk away with an extra umbrella, which can come in handy during rainy days.