House prices are expensive or salaries are low ?

A recent report in Star , mentioned that house prices in Malaysia is expensive. It says that the house prices are cost an average 5.5 of the median income when it should just be 3. There was a headline screaming "local houses more expensive than some developed countries". 

This headline screaming title is sexy but not that appropriate. As house affordability index is a function income and house price. It would be more politically correct that the headline screams "local salaries below those in developed countries". This is the root cause of the problem. Has it ever occurred that all our top talents are leaving Malaysia to work abroad. If we use this headlines to highlight this disparity, it will then create awareness to people and hopefully motivate people to create more sources of income even if they are underpaid.

Although property prices rose quick fast in the recent 5 years. The properties prices in Malaysia would still be considered reasonable if compared with ones in the region. This is evident as the government has put in cooling measures on foreigner's owning property in Malaysia. Foreigners can only buy RM1mil property and above.