The Leaky Bidet Mystery: Investigating the Cause and Finding a Solution

My friend's property agent called him to report a complaint from his tenant about a leaky bathroom bidet. As his trusted agent in all property affairs, the agent recommended that my friend replace the bidet with a new one.

Bidet with missing rubber washer

Since I happened to be delivering some items to my friend's tenant (including a used TV I sold to my friend), I decided to investigate the leaky bidet problem. Upon inspection, I confirmed that the bidet was indeed leaking water when pressed, and the leakage was from the bottom of the bidet without any signs of cracks. Out of curiosity, I opened the bidet and discovered a missing rubber washer, which is a crucial component that seals the gaps in the bidet.

I informed my friend of the issue and explained that replacing the rubber washer would be a cost-effective solution, saving him from having to replace the entire bidet. I was surprised that a rubber washer was missing since it is an essential part of the bidet, but it was a simple and affordable fix.

Rubber Washer
The moral of the story is that sometimes it's best to investigate an issue yourself instead of relying solely on property agents. By doing so, you can save both time and money.

Update 30/08: Despite replacing the missing rubber washer, the bidet continued to leak water. I added plumbers tape to the connectors, but the water still leaked out. I even replaced the bidet hose, but the problem persisted. After scratching my head for a while, I decided to install two rubber washers instead of one in the bidet connector to create a double layer of waterproofing. This solution proved to be effective and solved the problem. Additionally, I had a spare metal bidet hose that I purchased for around RM18, which could come in handy in the future.