A conversation between me and a prospective tenant (I thought)

A conversation between me and a prospective tenant. Property in question was in Cyberjaya. Conversation was in Malay but I translated it to english.

Prospect : Hello, I want to rent this place ?

Me : Yes, ok no problem, are student or working ?

Prospect : Oh, I’m working person.

Me : Oh great, are you in the IT line, IT Engineer or Software Developer ?

Prospect : No sir, I’m a grass cutter. My workplace is in Cyberjaya, a bit too far from my house in Nilai.

Me : (thinking...what in the world would a grass cutter call) ok bro, rent it RM 2,500 only, semi furnished.

Propect : Wah...so expensive, I thought is only around the range of RM 1,500. No thanks you. (proceeds to put down the phone)

I think some people still don’t see how expensive the rents are in Cyberjaya. Currently there doesn’t seem to be any medium and low cost housing in Cyberjaya. This group of people from medium to low income do need housing but they won’t be able to find it in Cyberjaya looking by the amount of SOHOs and SOVOs being built. Garden Residences, Trillium Semi Ds, Summerglades, Symphony Hills rentals are more than RM3,000, there is no way the owners are going to rent it lower than that as it will become the owners paying the renters to rent.