Tenant Complains

Tenant complains have to be taken with a grain of salt. 1 upset tenant called one fine day and informed that their office was flooded due to leaks from the roof. On the phone, he complained that this affected his business and the floor was flooded by 5cm of water. I immediately called my plumber to attend to the problem. 

After the plumber arrived at the office, the tenant called and told me the problem was due to cleaning lady mistakenly poured a pail of water onto the floor of the office, he asked the plumber to return home. Another 2nd incident was a tenant called up to complain about a faulty autogate, she mentioned that the autogate could not open or close requiring them to climb over the gate. Being a good property manager, I send the autogate technician to investigate and the technician found there was a tree branch stuck between the metal arm of the autogate. 

The takeaway from such cases is to always take tenant complains with some doubt and always visit them to understand the situation first before sending the supporting specialists like plumber, electrician in.