Adobe Photoshop Tips for property poster making a brush stroke title

While browsing through some Youtube videos one of the thumbnails captured my attention and I was inspired to create the same effect.

The brush stroke technique creates a unique look. In the past I used to use rectangles with reduced opacity.

How to do :
  1. Open up Photoshop
  2. Create a new layer (important)
  3. Select the brush tool
  4. Set the brush stroke size
  5. Select the brush stroke (the brush tip like that, I choose the one that looks like paint brush)
  6. Select the color of the paint
  7. Then paint on the canvas
  8. Then take the text layer (DeCentrum SOHO) and move it above the paint brush stroke
  9. Done

Disclaimer : I am a Photoshop noob (newbie), by profession I am a trained IT specialist. Whatever I post here there could be a much easier way but most of it is I figured it out via Google searches.