Boustead Plantations bypass shareholder proxy limitation of 500 units

Some shares need minimum amount of shares in order to be entitled for the door gift. These rulings are not new and is put there in place to prevent some AGM junkies like myself from buying 1 share and then go and take door gift and food.

Some shares on the other hand restricts proxy from going to AGM and getting door gifts if the proxy's stock holder does not have a certain amount of shares. Eg. Boustead Plantations AGM rules states that you cannot proxy a person with only 500 units of shares,the shareholder needs to have 1000 units of shares, however a shareholder with only 500 units can (means he personally go).

One of the shareholders at Boustead Plantation AGM shared me this tip, very complicated a bit hearing it at first and need a few criterias.

1) buy 1000 units of the stock from Rakuten (or any nominees account)
2) request Rakuten to assign 500 units to proxy you and proxy another friend/family member

Now you can get 2 door gifts using you and another person. This measure seems quite extreme at first but works for couples, husband/wife, friend/friend who does not have shares to attend it together and both gets the door gift.  Of course, this works only on nominees accounts because to company Boustead plantations, it is Rakuten assigning you and your partner as a proxy. That's how nominees account works, the stocks are bought under the nominees stock broking company which in this case is Rakuten.

This step can be taken even further, open another Rakuten account, means you will have 2 Rakuten accounts, each account buy 1000 units the repeat the same process assign 4 proxies, so 4 person can go to AGM and collect door gift.

Yes, that's what cheapskates with a lot of time do. haha.

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