Marimbar Rooftop bar at Pinnacle Petaling Jaya Tower A

Marimbar is a rooftop bar located at Pinnacle Petaling Jaya. Pinnacle Petaling Jaya, being the tallest structure in Petaling Jaya is a good place to open.

Marimbar just opened last week, the preview day was packed with people. I didn't go but was checking out their FaceBook pages.

The people behind Marimbar is same as Marini's 57 KL. At the moment only the rooftop bar at level 35 is opened. It is understood that there will be an italian restaurant 1 floor below the rooftop bar and construction on the restaurant will only start after the Raya (Hari Raya) holidays.

The theme of the bar is green safari theme. 

There is an inside lounge and outside lounge. The outside lounge you can get a view of Petaling Jaya. Petronas Twin Towers and KL Tower can be seen from afar also. I think the TRX tower also can be seen but it was quite cloudy that day.

My friend runs an AirBnb/Homestay place at Pinnacle Petaling Jaya and I so happen to be visiting so we went to checkout the place.

You won't miss the place out as directions are plastered all over the place even before entering Pinnacle Petaling Jaya building.

The place was not busy at the time we arrived, probably 3-5 customers that day. We were offered to buy cigars by staff but we declined since we aren't smokers.

Order a glass of Asahi and Konnenberg (I think it's typed that way) and cost us RM 35 which I think is reasonable considering the ambient and location.