Replace front door bell switch

I realized this door bell switch wasn't so springy anymore. After pressing the switch, the knob doesn't go back to its original position. Time for another DIY job.

Old switch vs the New Switch
Bought replacement switch from nearby hardware shop for RM 14 (discounted from RM 15). I chose to use Schneider electric switch as it has got good bounce, nice tactile feel and a much bigger button. There are cheaper alternatives but the buttons are not as big as the ones from Schneider electric.

Replacing it wasn't difficult, only issue I had was removing the rusty screws which didn't have the teeth inside for the screwdriver to plough in. I used a hammer nail remover end to yank the stubborn screws out.  The switch has got L1 and L2 labels inside, I put the green cable into L1 and blue cable into L2 (followed the original switch wiring), turn back on the power supply and tested the switch before putting back the switch into place.

Calling in an electrician would have cost probably RM50 at least. Before doing such works, remember to turn off the electricity supply 1st to avoid getting electrocuted, also put a test pen there to confirm electricity supply has been removed.

Unscrew the side screws, have to pry out the plastic cover caps
2 cables, live and neutral. no ground one.

Look for the L1 and L2, green cable goes to L1

Take long screws and screw in the

put back the face plate and done !