Techinfo - How to crop images using

As I do a lot of image editing for my blogs, websites and social media stuff, I need more advanced image editors. I am generally using Adobe Photoshop to do it but when I find myself carrying another laptop which does not have Adobe Photoshop my next go to software is Paint.Net.  

Paint.Net is a freeware, it's not as heavy as Adobe Photoshop but it has some basic tools which Microsoft Paint does not have.

Cropping is a term for cutting out images. In Microsoft Paint and Adobe there is a crop tool for doing this. For there is no such tool but it's not that difficult also.

Steps to do
  1. Select the rectangle selection tool
  2. Select the part of image to crop
  3. At the menu, select Image->Crop to Selection 
Alternatively instead of going to the menu, can use the shortcut key to crop (CTRL+SHIFT +X )