China shares on Bursa Malaysia - investors should be crying right now

Saw this interesting statistics by theedgemalaysia on China Shares (referred to as Red Shares). in Bursa Malaysia. Not sure if there's any door gifts for attending these company's AGM. 

Whoever bought those shares would have lost near 99% of the value. Initially Bursa allowed these companies to list as a way to allow Malaysians to ride on the rise of China as the word's factory but these companies treated Bursa like their ATM machine. 

They say hind side is 20/20 but this picture of Bursa listed China shares provides an opportunity to do critical thinking and learning from mistakes, why would a Chinese company with no operations at all in Malaysia choose to list in Bursa Malaysia when they can  list in Shanghai and Hong Kong where there is market and liquidity.

It is similar to those England landbanking schemes which popup suddenly in Malaysia 5-6 years ago. Investors bought land in England and thought that those land would appreciate in value after a few years only to find out that the land bought had a lot of restrictions and encumbrances and some were even bogland(swamp). The question we should study is why didn't the British people buy up the land if it was so good, why did the promoters needed to come all the way to Malaysia to sell these products.

Note : I wonder why they don't name China shares as Dim Sum shares.