決心 or 方法 - Commitment or Method which one more important - Spark Liang 张开亮

"commitment is more important than method" - Spark Liang

Spark Liang 张开亮, a very famous finance blogger among the Chinese community spoke at Popular Bookfair 2019 today. He was there today to promote his new book about his life journey and how to start a business with minimal capital.

I can relate particularly to his opening statement of asking the audience on whether method or commitment is more important. In his speech, he mentioned that commitment is more important than method. He related it back to his's insurance selling day where people know that selling insurance can make money with zero capital but because of risk of embarrassment and improper use of time for other activities (eg play games, watch tv etc), people shun from this profession. People will come out with all kinds of excuses not to do something even if the way/method is already there (selling insurance).

You can have the best and most efficient method in the world but if you don't have the commitment to to something, you won't be able to complete it. Grant Cardone, a very prominent international business coach is also another proponent of this commitment thing, he says people need to be committed first before doing something.