Gen Y prefers freedom to high salaries mirage

When I read the article that "Gen Y prefers freedom to high salaries" , it tickled a part of me.

GenY prefer freedom to high salaries ? haha
My opinion on the reason why a lot of Gen Y prefers freedom to high salaries is because they have grown up in relatively stable and growing economy where their parents had ok jobs and wages. They have inherited that sense of safety and start to wonder why their parents are slogging and saving aside so much money.  

Gen Y's parents also grew up in a relatively stable economy but they were taught to get good degrees and good jobs. Some Gen Y also inherited some wealth from their parents. Along the way, these Gen Y's parents were engaged in a rat race in the corporate environment, fighting for power and position in their companies. These Gen Y parents were serial up graders.  Cars were upgraded from Kancil/Wira to Honda/Toyota to BMW/Mercedes. Houses were upgraded from double storey to semidetach and to bangalow if there're lucky. At the same  time Gen Y's parents also experience all kinds of rising and inflationary commitments like child's tuition/art/ballet classes, childcare As such, they were kind of stuck in the rat race, like a mice running on a  running wheel, waking up everyday in their 3,000 sqft double storey home and driving out in a BMW only to go work in a job from hell.

Generation Y's Parents were like the mouse/hamster on the spinning wheel

Fast forward to today, Gen Y's have been taken care quite well and pampered by their parents. They do not value hard work, money anymore because it came easy for them. To them, the experience is more important. They prefer to live in the moment, preferring to get rich fast, leverage big, raise shitloads of money and then upload their wonderful lifestyles up to Instagram, FB Stories and Snapchat. They get their validation of self worth based on the number of likes they receive. While the current Gen Ys have a lot of gastronomic and travel experience, their mid life and next generation will probably live in a recession at the way the world economy is heading to.

Do note that this article is a generalization of Gen Y only, it more or less describes the Gen Y are generally made of. I am talking about the Gen Y that are pursuing office/desk jobs of their parents. There are a handful of exceptionally talented and hardworking Gen Y using FB Live, Internet, Startups as a launchpad to their careers but the numbers are way fewer. 

There's no right or wrong living in any way. Everything we see today was a result of a cause and everything done today will have an effect in the future. Each generation will have its own unique problems.