My Stashaway RoboAdvisor Updates and Stats - 20190615

After a couple of months, Ringgit has strengthen back so the currency impact has reduced but also the investments are getting better returns from below 5% to 9%.

As Stashaway invests quite heavily in US ETFs, it is likely the trade war will affect the performance of my investments. I'm scaling down on risk and putting more into a more balanced portfolio.

How to register :
Use my referral code to sign up :

Fill up your risk profile and deposit money to the trust account given (citibank).
Not for the faint hearted who do not trust technology.

Useful Links :
Lowyat discussion forum on Stashaway RoboAdvisor :
Press coverage by Vulcan Post :…/stashaway-fintech-robo-advisor-in…/

Disclaimer :
This is not a sponsored post, though if you sign up with my affiliate link, we’ll both get a 50% discount from StashAway.