Use TM Broadband Unifi Reward Points to offset Unifi bill - save money πŸ’°

It's the end of the year for 2019 already and I noticed I have 180 Tm reward points going to expire. In the past these reward points can only be used to get discounts from retail merchants (Zalora, Legoland)  but I notice that the points can be used as rebate for your monthly Unifi broadband bills.

Each 500 points entitles an RM 5 rebate. I had around 4000 points before I utilized my points for rebates so can get aroun RM 20 off my next bill. It's not a big amount but it helps as a small amount goes a long way, can put into roboadvisor savings like Stashaway, Wahed and MyTheo.

Login to the TM unifi portal. At the bottom right there will be an area showing how much reward points you have accumulated. Just click on the Redeem button, you will then need to select the account number, just select your existing account number, click a few buttons and the rebates are on your way.
