How to search for files using command line [Windows Only]

I'm starting out on creating tech how to related videos which is my forte and my profession. They say the 1st few videos you create on Youtube is going to suck and this video below is one of it but I feel it does brings the message across.

Searching using command line for files is way faster than searching thought the Windows user interface. This is useful for people like me who have to discipline in saving files in the same folders and have files scattered everywhere on the PC.

This video shows how to use command line to search for files. I use this method as I am kind of quite a messy Photoshop editor guy. My files are usually spread out everywhere in different folders so I needed a quick way to search for the files and put it into a text file for my reference or search. This method is much faster than using the windows GUI (graphic interface).

Commands I use run
dir *.psd /s (anglebracket) photoshopfileseverywhere.txt
dir *.psd /s 

To open the run dialog box (in case you don't know how)

WIN (windows key)+R
type in "cmd" to launch the Windows command prompt

Yes. I do know this stuff can seem quite advanced to certain number of people and I am striving to improve on my video delivery.