Adobe Photoshop Tips - How to create a rectangle border outline for social media posts

Recently I saw some Facebook posting putting a rectangle outline and I tried doing it via Photoshop and found it to be quite straightforward and simple. I feel a rectangle outline creates focus to the post/picture and is quite a popular style nowadays. Previously I had always thought that to do it I needed to create a rectangle shape and then deselect fill color but instead it is done using the selection marque tool.

Basically just fire up Photoshop, and it requires only 2 steps  :

1. Use the selection tool and draw out the rectangle.

2. Select Edit -> Stroke. Once the menu comes out, choose the stroke size (the size of the border in pixels) and color. 

I did an animated gif below which illustrates how simple it is to do a rectangle outline. This method of creating the outline can also work with other selection shapes also.