Adobe Photoshop Tips - How to set rounded border to an image

The other day I was trying to figure out how to do rounded borders on my picture/photo images. For a change, I think rounded borders give pictures a certain retro look. My primary skills is in frontend web programming so doing it in CSS (cascading style sheets) is easy but do it in an actual image I am not familiar.

I did some research and learning online how to create rounded borders on Adobe Photoshop, the photo editing tool I’m currently using for most of my creative work.

Here’s how to do it. Fire up your Adobe Photoshop application.

1)  load up the photo image in Photoshop

2)  select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” from the toolbar

3)  set the “Radius” (the roundness of the edge)

4)  draw the rounded rectangle over the entire image

5)  move the rectangle image at the back of the main image (at layers panel) 

6) at the main image layer, right click and select “Create Clipping Mask

7) the image will now have rounded borders, select File->Save for Web. Make sure select PNG-24. PNG-24 has got transparency enable which is required for rounded borders to show properly. Other image types like JPEG do not support transparent background. 

The final image is as below, yes I know the edges are not round enough because I didn't really adjust the radius parameters. To make the edges more round, just increase the radius parameter. I find doing the rounded borders in Photoshop quite tedious and a lot of steps, not sure if the newer version of Photoshop has faster methods or not.

Disclaimer : I am not a pro Adobe Photoshop user, I do not use Photoshop professionally in my job.