Speed up Windows 10 Network Speed Performance Hack - IRPStackSize - according to the Internet [Windows Only] πŸ–₯️ πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️

 So I just happened to replaced my current laptop and I chanced upon an article on how to improve network speed in Windows 10. It involves tuning the Window's OS IRPStacksize value higher.

Below is the ultra geek tech explanation on IRPStackSize : 

IRPStackSize represents the amount of stack locations allocated for the Input/Output Request Packet (IRP) stack in Microsoft operating systems. The value of your IRPStackSize influences the amount of allocated bits of memory your operating system can use to transport files or do any other sort of I/O operations within the system.

Think of IRPStackSize as like a container in the memory to move data. So in theory, if we increase this value it should improve something...πŸ˜€

I'm sharing here how to do the settings based on your computer skill level.

 πŸ–₯️For Beginner Computer Users - Change IRPStackSize

No need to do anything, this hack does not really show very visible improvements. You can follow some step by step Youtube tutorials here if you are keen.

 πŸ–₯️For Intermediate Computer Users - Change IRPStackSize

Type "regedit" into the Windows 10 desktop search box and select regedit.exe.

Navigate on the left pane to 


Right-click the Parameters folder (or right-click an open area in the right-hand windowpane) and select New | DWORD (32-bit) Value from the context menu. Give the new key entry the name IRPStackSize. Set the value to 30.

Do note that all the text have to be case sensitive (means the capital letters and small letters are important).

 πŸ–₯️For Advanced Computer Users - Change IRPStackSize

Here's a shortcut one liner DOS command to run for the more pro techchies to set the IRPStackSize setting. I couldn't find it on the Internet so I wrote it down here : 

Do note I have do not have sufficient evidence to proof that this hack improves network speed. I couldn't notice any differences. However this hack is widely written and published in various reputable website articles.

The default setting for IRPStackSize is 15. The best speed reported from Internet users is 30, doubling up from the original setting. Setting more than that could cause weird problems.

Try this setting out and see if it helps. For Windows 10 in general and with the use of flash disks/solid state disks, there are not many things like this setting left to tune for Windows 10.


