When TM Unifi TV is down but Internet is still available - watch Media Prima Channels TV1, TV2, TV3, NTV7, TV8 at tonton.com.my πŸ“Ί

And so my parent's house Unifi TV could not work but Unifi broadband was working perfectly. This issue happen out of nowhere. My parents depend a lot of TV (TV1, TV3, TV8) a lot in their daily lives during this Covid19 period. My parents didn't want TM unifi technicians to come to the house as we're having 10k plus cases of Covid19 in Malaysia right now.

With some research I found out that these free land TV channels (TV1, TV3, TV8) can be watched over the Internet at tonton.com.my. This site belongs to Media Prima, the parent company of all these TV channels. In addition, Media Prima radio stations like FlyFM, HotFM, KoolFM also can be streamed over this website.

Tonton.my has got paid content also but I didn't get to test it, I think you can watch pay per view videos consisting of latest blockbuster movies and drama series.

This is a great move by Media Prima to put more reach to the masses.

I also found a link to watch NHK English line. NHK is a Japanese channel available on TM Unifi TV.



