Maybank DRP Dividend Reinvestment Plans 2021 using Boardroom Share Registrar's website - 2nd half


Maybank's DRP (dividend reinvestment plan) is offering investors to opt to receive share dividends at RM7.80 a piece. 

It's a slight discount to the actual share price in the market RM8.10 (27-9-2021). Stamp duty and RM3 handling charges applies. If you do not intent to subscribe just ignore and Maybank will continue to give the dividends in cash (transferred to bank account). Personally I think Maybank is one of the banks that is ahead in the digitalization game as so I have opted to subscribe to DRP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan).

Like the previous DRP, Maybank DRP can be applied via their share registrar Boardroom Share Registrar (no longer is Tricor), I detailed the steps previously here πŸ‘‰


Not yet signed up with Maybank MAE (Maybank Anywhere Everywhere) ? MAE is pronounced by Maybank as "May", not M.A.E.

MAE account can be opened without Maybank savings account and best of all is totally done online. Sign up here with my referral code πŸ‘‰πŸ½ owt0707 . Each of us get RM10 once you sign up.