Covid19 Booster Dose aka Dos Perangsang Dos Penggalak is here in Malaysia πŸ’‰

Malaysia is now giving out the 3rd dose (booster dose) of covid vaccines for receipients of China's Sinovac vaccine. Apparently the booster shot (aka Dos Perangsang) will be from Pfizer. 

An SMS notification will be sent out by MySejahtera to inform on the appointment and another reminder on the vaccination date will be sent out. 

Inside Mysejahtera, there will be another entry called Boost dose appointment showing all the appointment details.

Also just in, Astra Zaneca recipients will also get their 3rd dose soon. However, it's not clear if a mix and match vaccine strategy will be used on those on Astra Zaneca. Those on Pfizer vaccine will still get their 3rd dose as Pfizer, no mix and match strategy here. The health ministry's strategy is to eventually get everyone on mRNA vaccines (eg Pfizer, Moderna).

Here's how to get booster dose/ Dos Perangsang 

1. Go to ProtectHealth’s list of vaccination centres -

2. Find a PPV on the list that is convenient for you. The list will be updated from time to time.

3. Call, email, or show up in person at your chosen PPV to register. You are advised to register at one PPV only to avoid double-booking.

4. After you have successfully registered, the PPV will contact you and others on the waitlist in the event someone who was issued an appointment via MySejahtera doesn’t show up or cancels their appointment.

5. Go to the PPV as instructed to get your booster shot.

