FBMKLCI Stock Components 30 only - for reference only - as for Dec 2021 πŸ“ˆπŸ“‰

Below are the 30 stocks in Bursa Malaysia which are the FBM KLCI. FBM KLCI is widely followed by mutual funds companies to benchmark their performance against their Malaysia mutual funds.

If you buy Index Funds, these funds are all purchasing the same stocks in FBM KLCI and attempts to replicate the entire FBM KLCI's performance. 

For 2021, MrDIY has included into the FBM KLCI replacing glove company Supermax.

The FBM KLCI is current is at 1,562. If you expect the  FBM KLCI to recover or want a piece of all the 30 FBM KLCI stocks, then buying into an Index fund would be good.