JPJ Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan after lockdown MCO πŸš—

MCO (movement control order) is over in Malaysia and I went to JPJ Putrajaya to renew my car driving license.

Do note that you do not need to bring photo with white background, if you decide to use the same photo on MyKAD. JPJ can extract out the picture in MyKAD.

Walk-ins to JPJ is allowed but they use an app called JPJeQ for queue calling. This is a mobile app where scan the QRcode at JPJ and a ticket number will be issue to you. Once your number is called on screen only you can go into their offices. The wait time was considered ok (at JPJ Putrajaya) as there were 5 counters in operation. The JPJeQ app at times I notice can get hung but eventually it works.

While driving license renewal can be done at post offices (Pos Malaysia), I wanted to change my driving license to the plastic one like our IC identity card. My previous driving license was just renewed with a piece of laminated card without my picture and I had to carry my old driving license with the extended driving license card along.
