Public Mutual Berhad Yazz App, the App for Milennial Youths..sort of

Public Mutual launched a youth targeted mobile app called "Yazz", a synonym with the word "yes".  Not much info is given on this app except users can earn Yazz tokens make into Public Mutual funds and then these Yazz tokens can be used to participate is quizzes in the Yazz app to earn reward points which can be redeemed for prizes.

The app has an age limit restriction and it is only targeted for youths age below 31. Technically if you're above 31 you're not considered a youth anymore. For now I don't see much features inside the app except a bunch of quizzes (EPF Quiz, Financial Planning Quiz, PRS Quiz and Unit Trust Quiz), reminds me of mini tests/exams but the thought of winning something from it should be a good driver for youths to use it. Personally I feel people prefer interactive games to learn rather than from quizzes, lets see if Public Mutual can introduce this into their app in future. 

For those above 31, you probably have better things to do than do these quizzes and games, you still earn Mutual goals points just without the Yazz tokens. This app is not targeted for the old guys. For the old guys, you got Mutual Gold and Mutual Gold Elite status program just having ~RM150k and ~RM600K invested. 

Can't help to feel somehow youths today (millennials) need games to be motivated to do stuff.

Yazz tokens from this Yazz app is not in anyway related to"YazzCoin" blockchain, symbol YAZ.

Updates 20230928
Yazz app has been updated to include mini games namely Star Navigator and Motocross Highway.
