Thematic portfolios, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) portfolios....micro money market funds were new portfolios which popped up in year 2020-2021. Micro money market funds allows depositors/investors to put small amounts into safe and liquid portfolio.
In the past, access to money markets funds were hard, you had to have lots of money to invest in such funds, after a while, unit trusts companies came out with money market funds but the minimum initial deposit was also quite high at RM1,000. Subsequently many fintech companies (Stashaway, Versa, Opus Asset) came out with their money market portfolios what can have very small initial deposits and now big unit trusts fund companies are following suit.
PMB (Public Mutual Berhad) is also no exception, they have Public e-Cash Deposit Fund (PeCDF). As this fund is a PMB e-Series fund, only RM100 is required for initial deposit and minimum additional investment of just RM10 . PMB bring it further by enabling this fund (PeCDF) to be marked and set aside for the investor/depositor's emergency fund.
• Transact online via Public Mutual Online (PMO).
• Minimum initial investment of RM 100,
• 0% Sales Charge
• The redemption proceeds paid on the next business day*
• Free Insurance coverage*
• Allows monthly distribution payouts
As PeCDF is a money market fund, do not expect spectacular returns, this fund is just for capital preservation and will barely beat inflation. Management fees for the fund is 0.375% per annum with no sales charges. Withdrawal and cash will be completed on next business day making this fund quite liquid compared to other funds.
One good point about PeCDF fund for PMB is money placed in PeCDF fund can quality for MGQP (Mutual Gold Qualifying Points), investors would be a stop closer to reach Mutual Gold status. Mutual Gold is like a red carpet user in PMB where there are a few benefits like dedicated hotline, free for life credit card, personal accident insurance, will writing etc..