This is also another popular scam in the form of offering job as an "Lazada/Shopee purchasing agent". The scammer typically posts job advertisement via Whatsapp messages with following features
- work from home opportunity
- earn RM100-RM500 per day
- limited offer
- no need any skill
- job name like "Lazada/Shopee purchase agent", "Digital Marketer"
The scam involved is basically getting victim enquiring about the online work from home job and then the victim will be added into a fake whatsapp group where all the members inside are part of the scammer's team. The whatsapp group is used to build trust in the victim where it would seem everyone in the whatsapp group were very successful in the online work advertised. The victim will then be asked to do a series of tasks which involves screenshot a particular ecommerce product and then adding the product into shopping cart and then cancel it, promising to pay the victim a certain commission (eg 5-6%) if victim pays direct to a bank account provided instead of buying direct from the ecommerce store. For the 1st few jobs, victim gets the commission but eventually as the victim doubles down on the jobs given (eg taking up more tasks), the scammer will suddenly stop paying the victim and go missing.
This scam is not as big as the Macau Scam in the sense most losses encountered by the victim is in thousands only.
Shopee Malaysia is also warning users on this scam.
Shopee warns against jobs, rewards scams | Free Malaysia Today (FMT)