I have never meet a millionaire forex trader before 🤷

Forex trading is a bunch of air

It's strange there's so many people promoting forex trading to people as a way to escape the rat race. However I've also yet to meet any forex trading millionaire. However,  I've met successful business owners, property investors and skilled professionals.  I do know real stock traders, they are extremely frugal because money/cash is their capital for trading and spending it on luxury items to them is like burning their crops.  

The so called forex trading millionaires I keep seeing flashing their cars, watches and sometimes houses are all hoax.

Pro forex trading people will say forex is 24 hours on-line, can trade any time. How about 24 hours of headache constantly worrying about your forex portfolio. Some even sell black box forex trading software which will supposedly buy and sell forex for you. Ever wonder if the black box is so profitable, why do the creator of the black box need to sell it to other people.