A1laddin Digital Banking app by Affin Bank πŸͺ”

Affin Bank has got an mobile banking app call A1addin (sounds like Aladdin from the magic lamp story).  This app is Affin Bank's digital banking app where account opening can be done fully digital without visiting the actual Affin Bank branch. 

I just registered for my A1addin account. Registration in general was a breeze but I hit some issues getting my MyKad scanned by the eKYC system, eventually I got it right and my account was created.

I have to bank in RM20 into the A1addin account to fully activate the account.  

I banked in additional RM80 today to make total deposit RM100 to stand a chance to win RM88,888, there's a limited time campaign to use A1addin digital banking app.

After getting my A1addin account ready and activated, the next logical step is to enable QRPay, enable Outward Transfer (3rd party transfer) and Add Favorites. These services are disabled by default.

The features that this app can do includes QRPay, electronic fixed deposit and personal financing. I've yet to see anything out of the ordinary that sets this app apart from other digital banking app yet. Hopefully there are many features in the pipeline for this app.

Do note that opening just like any other banking account in Malaysia, if the account is not active it will be closed by the bank. So keep in mind when opening account to let it be active.

