BigPay ewallet - Disabling the debit card function aka BigPay card πŸ’³

BigPay is a late comer to the ewallet game but they have since catch up a bit after becoming one of the ewallets for e-pemula, a government cash giving program for youths. 

BigPay is a subsidiary of Airasia Digital (aka Captal A digital).

My friend who uses BigPay told me recently his BigPay debit card was mis-used by scammers to pay for some internet subscription. He could not recall how the leak happen. He showed me the screenshots of the transactions and there were multiple transactions made within a short 5 mins span to Strata Scratch and Leetcode, 2 companies which sells code developer education services. Most likely scammers purchase services from these 2 companies and resold the account to other people. A lot of companies in US do not require CVV (card verification value) to be keyed in for transaction verification, just keying in the debit card/credit card number is sufficient for charging. For such case, a new card has to be given (card replacement) by BigPay as the original card has been compromised.

As such, one of the ways to improve security on BigPay ewallet is to disable debit card usage on BigPay ewallet and only enable the card when require to use (eg going overseas and paying for big purchases etc). The disabling of the debit card can be done via BigPay ewallet app, there is a tab called "cards" and this is where the debit card can be disabled. I do not see any reason to use the debit card when we have other bank debit card unless we use the BigPay debit card overseas to swap for purchases. Some people use the BigPay debit card to get loyalty points.

Disabling the debit card does not mean the bigpay app cannot be used, only the debit card is frozen for use. 

Prior to this article, BigPay ewallet users got a lot of phishing calls  from social engineering scammers (impersonating BigPay staff) trying to trick BigPay ewallet users to reveal their PAC/PIN number. This risk have been greatly reduced after Bigpay tightened their security procedures recently.

I've always been a pro technology guy so I'm not implying that BigPay ewallet has less security, its ability to do foreign currency remittance and issuance of a debit card makes it a target for international scammers.

 #ePemulaXBigPay #BigPayMY


πŸ“ŒAds - BigPay ewallet Referral 

If my article provided some value to you in anyway and have not signed up for BigPay wallet, you can support me by signing up to BigPay ewallet using my referral/invite code πŸ‘‰πŸ½ NIA9FN807A. You will get a debit card which can be used for payments like a credit card. Each of us will get RM10 upon successful sign up. While there's a lot of phishing scams right now it shows that many people are using BigPay for purchases and doing international remittance that is why scammers start targeting these gullible people.