Insider job land snatch - 1 piece of land with 2 different titles

In today's news, it seems it was brought up that many landowners of Kampung Baru Ampang new village had their land being claimed by another party having the same land title. This area is a 99 leasehold old chinese village town next to Pandan Indah. 

Checks at the land office shows that there are 2 copies of the land ownership grant to the same plot of land but having different lot number. Fraudulent parties created the duplicated land ownership grant and sold off the land to other parties.

This issue is not new and is quite a pain in the ass issue for both the owners (the original and the new) while the fraudulent party's whereabout are unknown.  To make things worst the new buyer took a loan from a bank which already disburse the loan. As such, the newspaper portal reported that this would most likely be an insider job done at the land department. 

This case reminds me of a case 20 years ago where a Thai lady Mdm Boonsom Boonyanit owning prime beach front property in Tanjung Bungah Penang was robbed off her land by a land fraud where the imposter sold Mdm Boonsom's land to a property developer.