Versa Digital Investment Platform with Versa Invest and Versa Safe - Duit Your Way to financial freedom πŸͺ™πŸͺ™ - Referral Invite 9KJDNJHB


Versa app has been updated to include a new product called Versa Invest. Versa app was previously only offering cash management fund with their collaboration with Affin Hwang. The app came into the market with very flashy and user friendly user interface but lacked other potentially higher yield products. As such, it's about time Versa came out with Versa Invest to cater to people with higher risk appetites.

At the moment there's only 2 portfolios inside Versa Invest, Versa Growth and Versa Moderate. For very conservative portfolio, there's the default Versa Save (rebranded from Versa's cash management product)

As with all other wealth management robo advisor apps, you will need to go through a series of questions to determine your risk appetite and Versa will recommend the appropriate portfolio.

While Versa growth is an aggressive portfolio, it does have 38% in fixed income, not all money is placed into equity funds so there's some form of safety net.

The current funds inside the Versa Growth portfolio are as follows :

Notice that there's some iShares ETF and Vanguard ETF besides Versa's partner Affin Hwang. The portfolio is also a global portfolio and so it is expected that this portfolio is exposed to foreign exchange rates risk.

Here's how the Versa Moderate portfolio looks like : 

Obviously the Equity portion will be lesser than the growth portfolio. 

Do note that both Versa Save's portfolios are not Shariah compliant yet but I check their FAQ the team is planning to put in Shariah compliant portfolio in the future. Rest assured that Versa is a registered market operator by the Securities Commissions to operate e-services just like Touch N Go ewallet.

As for putting in money into the 2 Versa portfolio (Growth, Moderate), FPX bank in and switching from Versa Save are 2 ways to do. Initial users of Versa who have their money in Versa Save can switch money from Versa Save into these 2 portfolios.

I've put in RM200 of my money to test Versa Invest, it's currently pending and I will update progress of this investments as and when there are updates. I do know the timing is not quite good given there is a war going on in Ukraine and also world markets are at 2-3yr lows.

ok, so far I think my portfolio's positive a bit, maybe managed to time properly the markets. I've put RM200 each into the Versa Moderate and Versa Growth portfolio.

All purchases via Versa can also be monitor at Aham asset management's online portal iAccess. Sign up to iAccess can be done online without going to any Aham offices.


πŸ“Referral Link / Invite
There's an on going sign up referral going on. Use my invite code 9KJDNJHB for new sign ups to get some bonuses. 

Alternatively, can use my Versal invite link to sign up.

πŸ“Œ Versa Mobile App (Android/Apple) Download Link ---