Maid Cleaning Service App scammers - malicious apk 🧹 Beware and Becareful


The malicious maid cleaning app scam is still very active on Facebook. It's ads are still around and basically for those who are not aware of this scam, it basically requires you to download their maid cleaning app (apk) and then when your banking details/TnG ewallet details are entered, the scammers will get hold of your banking information and will use the details to empty out your bank account. The malicious app that you installed will be able to read SMS messages (with your permission) and that is how the scammers get your banking/Tng ewallet OTP/TAC/PAC number.

Unsuspecting people are enticed to download the app because the scammers will promise better rates within the app. 

This lady posted on Tiktok relating about how she got scammed after responding to facebook ads for cleaning services. She was pregnant, tired and in a hurry to get her house cleaned due to her condition and got scammed.

I previously wrote an longer article on this scam here :