The Liver King Brian Johnson - Fake fitness influencers - almost perfect body on steriods πŸ’ͺ🏾

More that meets the eye on social media

The fitness industry is rife with influencers claiming to be natural bodybuilders, but many of them are clearly using performance-enhancing drugs. One such influencer is "The Liver King," whose ultra-sculpted chest and abs have raised suspicions among followers.

For years, "The Liver King" vehemently denied using steroids or HRT, but he has since admitted that he is on steroids, albeit under a doctor's supervision. It is worth noting that the use of steroids can have serious health consequences and should not be taken lightly.

It is not surprising that "The Liver King" makes a significant portion of his income from supplement endorsements, as maintaining such a well-sculpted body requires a great deal of work and dedication. However, it is essential to remember that what we see on social media is often just a carefully curated image, and there is always more to the story than meets the eye.

It is crucial to approach fitness influencers and their claims with a critical eye, particularly when they promote products or supplements. While some may genuinely achieve their physiques naturally, others may be using performance-enhancing drugs, and it is important not to compare oneself to these unrealistic standards. Rather than focusing on achieving an unrealistic ideal, it is important to prioritize one's health and well-being.