Top Glove (7113) AGM 2023 Door Gift ๐ŸฅŠ - World's largest glove manufacturer and now condom manufacturer also ๐Ÿงค

Top Glove is a leading glove manufacturer in Malaysia, and every year they hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) to provide updates to their shareholders. As a token of appreciation, Top Glove has been giving out RM50 shopping vouchers to their loyal shareholders who attend the AGM, and this year's event for 2023 was no exception.

The RM50 shopping voucher can be used on Top Glove's ecommerce platform, TGEBuy, which offers a wide range of gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) products. This is a great way for shareholders to not only stay updated on the company's progress but also benefit from the company's products and services.

The TGEBuy site sells their standard gloves.

and also household cleaning solutions.

Interestingly I didn't know Top Glove manufactures condoms also. Their condom line is called TopFeel. The condom product range is quite standard with the usual thin feel and ribbed ones.

I managed to order Top Glove goods slightly above RM50 and had to pay ~ RM10 shipping fee.
To be frank the Top Glove ecommerce site TGEBuy is still a work in progress, the graphics and design of the site looks quite dated.