Pickpockets in UK , France and Europe


Pickpocketing is a common crime that tourists and locals alike may fall victim to when visiting popular destinations in Europe (France, Italy, Spain etc). These skilled thieves operate in crowded areas such as public transportation, tourist attractions, and busy shopping districts. While pickpocketing can happen anywhere in the world, it is particularly prevalent in Europe, with many cities having specific areas known for these types of crimes.

The incident on Oxford Road, England, where a man from Malaysia caught gypsy pickpockets trying to steal from his friend, is unfortunately not uncommon. These pickpockets often work in groups of two to four people, with one person acting as the main pickpocket and the others as distractions or accomplices. They are often skilled at misdirection and will create a commotion or bump into their victim to distract them while they or an accomplice steals their valuables.

One of the tools of the trade for these pickpockets is the tiny razor blade refill. These blades are small and sharp, making them perfect for quickly slicing open a purse or bag to remove the contents inside. They are often used to steal wallets, phones, and other valuables.

While it can be difficult to prevent pickpocketing entirely, there are some steps that travelers can take to minimize the risk of falling victim to this crime. These include keeping valuables in a secure and inaccessible place, such as a money belt worn under clothing, avoiding carrying large amounts of cash, and being aware of your surroundings and any suspicious behavior.

It's also worth noting that pickpockets often target tourists or those who appear unfamiliar with their surroundings. Therefore, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the area you are visiting, be confident and aware of your surroundings, and avoid looking lost or confused.

They work as a group of 2-4 people, 1 will be the main pickpocket, the 2nd one will be to take the stolen items and run while the rest will be tasked to distract the victims (fake altercations to create chaos, spilling a drink or ice cream on you, sudden bumping or tripping, holding a sign or piece of paper while asking for assistance or even holding a pizza box up to your face) . Their tool of trade to steal is the simple tiny razor blade refills, it is small and sharp.