Zus Coffee Malaysia Referral Code - JINL1AM ☕

 "Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of coffee, haha." - Unknown

With more than 196 outlets spread across Malaysia, ZUS Coffee is a coffee chain that is powered by technology. They have developed the ZUS Coffee App, which permits their customers to place orders for their preferred drinks while on-the-go, and collect them in-store or have them delivered straight to their doorstep. Boasting over 150K active users, this app has facilitated the delivery of more than 4Mil cups of coffee2. Renowned for their inventive business model, ZUS Coffee offers an extensive array of beverages.

Zus Coffee is currently on the vertical growth phase. Frank Lao, the guy behind Philippines's Choi Garden and Gloria Maris restaurants has a 30% stake in the company. The company is being describe as a "coffee tech" company, heavily relying on technology to deliver their products and services. They used data from the app a lot to enhanced their services.

As a health conscious person, I typically opt for the CEO Latte which does not contain sugar. They have the usual latte, americano coffees and also artisanal coffee. I've actually never been to an actual Zus outlet, all my purchases were done via user friendly Zus coffee mobile app. I would rate Zus Coffee quality as good as the ones served at McDonald's cafe. 

They do sell other food stuff like buns, croissant, spaghetti and lasagna. 

Zus Coffee app is quite well designed and has gamification features in app to encourage usage. There's the Lazadal/Shopee like Daily Check in get points feature in the Zus Coffee App. Basides daily check ins, there are missions which can be accomplished to get more points and rewards. These features will appeal more to GenZ who have more time on their hands.

So far from my experience, all Zus Coffee deliveries are via Food Panda delivery.

Zus Coffee Malaysia currently have buy 3 cup free 1 cup promotions on every Tuesday (Zusday) of the week. They offer in store dining, pick up and rider delivery. 

I do noticed in recent years coffee drinking culture have been on the rise. Specialty coffee chains popping up like Gigi, HWC, Kopi Kayangan, Bask Bear Coffee in the cities confirms the growth in coffee drinking interest. 

If you're still not on Zus app yet you can sign up with Zus Coffee using my referral code : JINL1AM

Note : most people don't know that the Zus Coffee founders found inspiration in the brand from China's Luckin Coffee and hence why the logo and store layout looks similar.