Navigating Scams in Las Vegas: Unveiling Aggressive Raggae Rap Hip Hop CD giveaway tourist scam

A few years ago, during a company trip to attend an event in Las Vegas (EMC World Event), I encountered a scam on the strip itself. This scheme typically took place at a sidewalk corner or under a pedestrian bridge, where people often gathered while waiting for the pedestrian crossing signal. On multiple occasions, a group consisting of two, three, or even four individuals, generally of African-American descent, were present. One of them would take an aggressive approach, forcefully handing over a CD in a plastic pocket, claiming it to be a pre-release of a brand new rap album. Another member of the group would follow suit, insisting on knowing the individual's name and meticulously noting it down on the plastic pocket. Interestingly, they would even offer additional CDs without any apparent justification.

The real dilemma emerged when all of them began demanding money under the pretense of a donation. It would start with small amounts like $20 or $30, but the pressure to comply grew increasingly intense.  Sometimes they would autograph the CD with your name and their signature and say that they already autograph it and payment is a must as your unique name is already written on the CD. Refusing their request proved challenging as they adamantly refused to take the CDs back. Additionally, their imposing physiques and apparent confidence made any attempt to engage in a verbal dispute seem unfeasible for me as a small stature Asian guy. In the end I wanted to get out of the situation I paid USD10 and just quickly walk off with them the scammers scammers swearing after me.

Apparently the scam also happens in Times Square New York.