Fake Whatsapp site QR code

Whatsapp web is https://web.whatsapp.com

WhatsApp Web is a web-based extension of the popular WhatsApp (owned by Meta Facebook) messaging app use in South East Asia and Asia. It allows users to access their WhatsApp conversations and contacts from a computer's web browser. This feature simplifies multitasking and provides a convenient way to send and receive messages while working on a computer.

Scammers have been employing deceitful tactics, creating fake WhatsApp Web sites to pilfer users' login credentials. Unsuspecting individuals who innocently search for "WhatsApp Web" in search engines or click on sponsored links fall victim to these fraudulent sites. 

The correct URL addresss for Whatsapp web is https://web.whatsapp.com.

Once scammers acquire the victim's Whatsapp credentials, they manipulate the compromised accounts, reaching out to the victim's friends and family with urgent pleas for financial assistance, falsely claiming a life-threatening situation. To avoid detection all messages are archived to avoid the victims from discovering the hijacked conversations.

It's worth noting that the process of crafting these deceptive sites is disturbingly accessible, as tutorials proliferate on platforms like YouTube. Stay vigilant to protect your online security.


