PNB Amanah Saham Malaysia 1 - more than 100 million incoming units available

The fund sizes of ASM (Amanah Saham Malaysia) 1 and ASN (Amanah Saham Nasional) 1 have recently undergone expansions to accommodate a greater number of units. The reported changes indicate that the fund size of ASN has increased by a modest RM100,000, while the noteworthy development is the staggering increase of ASM by 5 billion (quite impressive, isn't it?). Managed by PNB (Permodalan Nasional Berhad), both ASM1 and ASN1 are fixed-priced unit trusts, meaning that the buy and sell prices are consistently set at RM1.

Traditionally, ASM 1, which is open to non-bumiputra investors, experiences a rapid uptake of units. Surprisingly, with the gradual increment of the fund size to 5 billion, there is currently no queue (as of Nov/Dec 2023) to purchase ASM 1 units. This deviation from the usual demand pattern adds an interesting dynamic to the investment landscape, potentially providing a unique opportunity for investors in this particular fund.

All the PNB funds including ASN1 and ASM1 can be purchase via a few channels, namely MyAsnb, Maybank eBanking and mobile banking app and Touch N Go GO Invest.

While the funds is still available for purchase as of 30/12, I believe eventually it will be taken up in 2-3 months time. People with money is always around to drain the pool of available units.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified financial advisor for personalized guidance tailored to their individual circumstances.
