Joining Superheroes OrphanRun 2019 tomorrow 🏃‍♂️

Another run which need to wake up early. This run is at Dataran DBKL. 

A new challenge for me as this is a 7km run. 2km more than my usual fun runs. 

I collected the racekit at Orphancare house nearby Jalan Gasing area. It's basically an orphanage with a baby hatch. Good to know that I'm running for a good cause.

The shirt was a made in Malaysia Ultron Microdry sports T-shirt.

On the actual day, the minister came to officiate the event. Apparently there was also another race going on which was the World Vision run. 

It's quite rare to see KL roads closed for events and I got a chance to see some sights in the city.

Overall the experience was quite positive. Will go for more runs in future. In fact I've signed up for many more runs.

I wrote a piece on how to get to Kuala Lumpur's Dataran DBKL here.