Getting my CTOS Report aka credit score

I was visiting Star Property Fair where free CTOS reports were given out. CTOS is one of the few credit reporting agencies in Malaysia, the other ones are CGC and RAM. Anybody wanting to take a bank loan is best to get CTOS report first to see your own credit scores, a bad credit score will make it harder to get a bank loan. If you know you have a bad credit score , you can fix it 1st then get a loan. While all banks have their own proprietary scoring system, details in CTOS reports are used also in their scoring system.

For that day only, the CTOS report were given out free of charge to a limited number of vistiors. Normally CTOS reports can be requested online and will cost RM25 per report. After payment the report will be delivered via email. CTOS reports can be obtained here. 

A fingerprint verification is required before your CTOS report can be printed out. The CTOS reports has more information than BNM's CCRIS report, the CTOS report includes BNM CCRIS report, Bankruptcy details (if have), directorship in companies, legal cases, dishonored cheques.

The CTOS reports were emailed to designated email on the CTOS system. Good thing my scores are not in the yellow category, still in the green category. I guess I'm still in the credit worthy category.

I know some house rental companies and landlords use CTOS as a barometer to evaluate tenants. Obviously tenants with good CTOS score will be more favourable.