Maybank MAE FU-Ture Fortune CNY Game 🧧 - Referral : OWT0707

In conjunction with Chinese Lunar New Year 2022, Maybank MAE a new game called FU-Ture Fortune. At the same time also e-Angpow feature also has been enabled on the MAE app.

The game mechanics (gameplay) is exactly the same as MAE's last game which is the TAPtastic game. You will be presented with 6 orbs (previously were balloons) and you just need to select one of the orbs. Some of the orbs will give you cash and shopping vouchers while some will not yield anything. This game is a no brainer game, just select and solely depend on luck.

Open the Maybank MAE app daily to get 1 chance to play. Campaign ends 27/2/2022. I'm not sure if it's a logic in the gameplay or not but we always seem to win something the 1st time playing the MAE game but the subsequent tries the odds of winning something declines significantly.

Maybank MAE (Maybank Anywhere Everywhere) is Maybank's modern mobile banking app that also works like and ewallet with many features to make it more like a lifestyle app.

The Maybank MAE FU-Ture Fortune campaign now can be seen on YouTube Ads. A little bit too long but was funny enough.

Sometimes when you open the game and its in maintenance , it will look like this :

MAE FU Ture is almost over and that's all I won so far RM1.80, not much luck here but better than nothing and it was fun with the anticipation of the game.


πŸ“ MAE account sign ups can be done fully online, no need to go branch and also don't need an existing Maybank account. If you sign up, sign up with my referral code, sometimes there will be cashbacks for both of us depending on campaign period.