Versa Digital Investing App Thematic Portfolios - Versa Gold and Versa REIT 🏒πŸͺ™ - Referral Invite 9KJDNJHB

Versa Digital Investing app has come out with thematic portfolios which are focus on Gold and Real Estate, namely Versa Gold and Versa REIT. Previously Versa Digital Investing app only had the traditional Conservative,  Moderate and Aggressive portfolios.

Investors who want pure exposure to Gold can place deposits in Versa Gold. In view of coming recession in 2023 and flight to safety, Gold can serve as a hedge to eroding money due to inflation. The underlying instrument behind Versa Gold is a gold ETF tracker (Affin Hwang Shariah Gold Tracker Fund) managed by Aham Investment (formerly Affin Hwang). This means the portfolio is also shariah compliant. The management fees is 0.03% per annum for Versa Gold.

Investors who want exposure to the REIT sector can place deposits in Versa REIT. The underlying instrument is Affin Hwang Select Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) REITs Fund. Versa REIT is heavy on Singapore REITs at the moment with some positional exposure to Hong Kong's largest REIT , LinkREIT. The REIT sector has been bashed down a lot due to the Covid19 pandemic and interest rates rise. However, yield for REIT have risen with its share prices lowered making it more competitive than fixed deposit rates. There seem to be no Malaysian REITs in the basket. The management fee is 1.8% per annum for Versa REIT.

I previously wrote about this digital investment app during its launch here. This is if you need an introduction to Versa Digital Investment App. It's has an operating license given by Securities Commission of Malaysia. 

As a test, I've put in some of my money into Versa Gold and Versa REIT. Let's see how the performance goes.

Do note that their investment partner Affin Hwang Asset Management has changed name to Aham Asset Management after Affin Group (Affin Bank) sold off their stake in the company. The core management team of Aham Asset Management remains the same. It's basically business as usual for Aham Asset Management.

Ínterestingly, the robo advisor Wahed Invest has got similar thematic portfolio. The Wahed Gold portfolio is quite similar to Versa Gold but Wahed REIT portfolio has got 2 Malaysian REIT namely Axis REIT and KLCCP Stapled REIT.

Updates 20221229
ok got some beginner's luck, my thematic portfolio is up ... for now 

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There's an on going sign up referral going on. Use my invite code 9KJDNJHB for new sign ups to get some bonuses. Both of us get RM10 for successful referral. (subject to change).

Alternatively, can use my Versal invite link to sign up.