
Photos are for illustration purpose bull

House prices are expensive or salaries are low ?

Chinese Property Developer Carpet bombing continues in Cyberjaya

Dcheq (Dishonoured Cheque Information System) by Bank Negara

What happens when your tenants fail to pay their water and electricity bills ⚡

Homeless Generations ? Sure or not ?

DIY Landlord - Earn credit card points by paying Cukai Tanah (Quit Rent) and Cukai Pintu (Assessment)

Souvenir after paying property taxes aka Cukai Taksiran

Malaysian Developers will no longer launch landed properties

Commercial Property Subletting aka Partitioning

Renesial Leong 2014 Property Seminar - To Buy, Sell or Hold?

Property Joke - Dishwasher included in the propertyDis

Generation Y Property Term : BBB

Tenanted ? Sure or not

Who says there a property slowdown

Damen USJ Residences - site progress 20140427

Property word of the day - Accessories Package

Property word of the day - Tandem Parking

Look ma its Ahyat Ishak

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